SOLVED! Amazon Underground Install Pending

All in all, once it comes to Amazon Underground “Instal pending” on Android phones, lack of space is the leading cause. For most of the time, the best resolution is to free up some space on your phone to accommodate the app. In addition, you may want to force stop Amazon Underground, clear the cache, uninstall and reinstall it, etc. Check out this article to be able to dismiss the issue and pick up apps from Amazon Underground at your leisure. 

What Is Going On

Amazon Underground Install Pending

By taking advantage of Amazon Underground, you should be able to get your hands on a wide range of apps with relative ease at no cost. Unable to install an app via Amazon Underground? In that case, you should consider these possibilities:

  • Lack of space.
  • Bugs.
  • Corrupted cache.
  • Amazon Underground.

Actions To Take 

Amazon Underground Install Pending

Note: For the installation of apps via Amazon Underground to proceed smoothly, you must give it the right to install unknown apps. 

  • Step 1: Open Settings.
  • Step 2: Select Apps, choose the three-line icon on the top right and hit Special access.
  • Step 3: Tap Install unknown apps then toggle on the switch next to Amazon Underground.

Free Up Some Space

In case you don’t know, if your phone is running low on space, it would struggle to install apps. Hence, regarding Amazon Underground “Instal pending”, it’s wise to free up some space by going through the following list: 

  • Check out apps on your phone and uninstall those that you no longer need.
  • Use cleaner apps to locate and get rid of junk on the device. 
  • Delete non-essential images, videos, documents and other items on your phone. Keep in mind that you could always save things on the cloud.

After you finish freeing up the space, restart your phone, install the app you want via Amazon Underground and see how things turn out. 

Force Stop Amazon Underground

All in all, Amazon Underground is an app and it’s not uncommon for apps to bug out all of a sudden. On occasions, Amazon Underground bugs would mess up the installation of apps and “Instal pending” is one of the consequences. To fix bugs on Amazon Underground, you have to force stop the app. 

  • Step 1: Open Settings.
  • Step 2: Select Apps then choose Amazon Underground.
  • Step 3: Hit Force stop.

The Amazon Underground app should stop working as a result. Proceed to close everything on your phone, save what needs to be saved and restart the device. When the screen comes back on, launch Amazon Underground, install the app you want and determine whether the issue persists. 

Uninstall And Reinstall 

None of the above works? Then there is a good chance that your version of Amazon Underground is the root of the problem. In that case, you have no choice but to uninstall and reinstall the app.  

  • Step 1: Open Settings, select Apps and choose Amazon Underground.
  • Step 2: Click Unsntall then restart your phone as soon as the uninstallation completes.
  • Step 3: Reinstall Amazon Underground, install the app you want and witness the result. 

Can I Use In-App Purchasing (IAP)?

Can I Use In-App Purchasing (IAP)?

You could make use of existing IAP implementations in your Amazon Underground app. However, previously purchased consumables and entitlement IAP goods shall now be available to your clients for free. Noteworthily, Amazon Underground does not accept subscription products. You must re-create your IAP items when you submit your software to the Amazon Appstore because you must produce a new version of your app for Amazon Underground.

Should I Change The Description Of My App For Amazon Underground?

Yes, and the description of your app should highlight the value of using the Amazon Underground edition to your clients. Still, you need to remove mentions of upgrading to a premium version as well as paid-for IAP products from both your app’s short and long descriptions. You also have to avoid copying and pasting a description from a free program that includes references to premium IAP products or upgrades.

What Sort Of Compensation Could I Expect From Making My Apps Available On Amazon Underground? 

For every minute a client use your Amazon Underground app, you earn $0.002. 

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